Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Sedih?Gembira?Marah?Hampa?Kecewa?duka?lara? okay..basically banyak yg sedihkan?..Fine..Memang hari2 aku biasa usual I just do my home work things such as cooking?cleaning?laundry? smua tu la..bosan..21 years old..just waiting i don't know what..but my mom n my dad doesn't allow me to working..without any purse empty..feel like I be grounded without do any mistake.
My elder sister..yeah,she working now but as a practical students and she will be married in this August..Happy ending..for her..Everyone have their own life,right? Me? yeah..I know,if we think that we have a lot of problem&suffer,as a human,we must think the people who more suffer then us..
Huhh..doesn't feel to do blogging..I'm not update my facebook,twitter,or else..U know,my heart is totally empty..doesn't have any person or anything except my religion ..I feel regret,feel anger,feel useless..I really don't know what to do..
That's all for today..